A 2D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along two dimensions using Cartesian coordinates. 2D cartesian point A 3D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along three dimensions using Cartesian coordinates. 3D cartesian point A 1D cartesian point is a point whose position is specified along a single dimension using Cartesian coordinates. 1D cartesian point An axis is a line segment that is part of a statistical graph in which the position along the line corresponds to a numeric or categorical value. The value of a plotted geometric objects (e.g. point) can be obtained from the perpendicular projection of the position of the object onto the axis. Axis may also be associated with a textual description of what the values on the axis represents. axis The left vertical and bottom horizontal lines with tickmarks in Graph 1 http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A Cartesian coordinate axis is an axis whose behavior follows that of a Cartesian coordinate system. Cartesian coordinate axis horizontal axis An x-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is aligned with the horizon. In most figures, this axis represents categories, such as months, market segments, or other non-numeric data. x-axis The horizontal axis in http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm vertical axis A y-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is spatially oriented perpendicular to the x-axis. y-axis A z-axis is a Cartesian coordinate axis that is spatially oriented normal to the plane formed by the x- and y-axes. z-axis A category axis is an axis in which the position along the line is partioned into categories. category axis The horizontal axis corresponding to months of the year in graph 4 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A primary category axis is a category axis that either defines the sole value range or holds the larger set of categorical values specified by the secondary category axis. primary category axis The category axis that corresponds to years in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A secondary category axis is a category axis that defines a finer granular part (or subset) of the value range of the primary category axis. secondary category axis The category axis that corresponds to months in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A value axis is an axis in which the position along the line is partioned into numeric values. A value axis holds the properties of having a minimum and a maximum value, and is usually associated with tickmarks that indicate intervals along the axis. value axis The value axis that ranges from 3.0 to 7.4 and corresponds to billions of dollars in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A left value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the left of the plot area. left value axis The value axis that ranges from 3.0 to 7.4 and corresponds to billions of dollars in Graph 1 of http://tinyurl.com/opwnvm A right value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the right of the plot area. right value axis A scaled value axis is a value axis in which the value range was subject to a mathematic transformation. scaled value axis A linear value axis is a value axis that corresponds to a scaling factor of 1 of the value range. linear value axis A logarithmic value axis is a scaled value axis that corresponds to a scaling factor of the logarithm of the value range. logarithmic value axis A data point is a point that which corresponds to the projection of the values of measurement data against the axes of a statistical graph. data point A global maximum stationary point is a data point that corresponds to a measurement value is larger than that of all other plotted datapoints. global maximal stationary point A global minimum data point is a data point that corresponds to a measurement value is smaller than that of all other plotted datapoints. global minimal stationary point A polygon vertex is a terminal point at which two polygon edges meet and are part of a polygon. polygon vertex A polygon edge is a line segment joining two polygon vertices. polygon edge A polyhedral skeleton is a collection of polygon edges. polyhedral skeleton A polygonal face is a polygon bounded by a circuit of polygon edges, and includes the flat (plane) region inside the boundary. polygonal face A polyhedral surface is composed of polygonal faces. polyhedral surface A polygon is a planar entity that is bounded by a closed path or circuit, composed of a finite connected sequence3 of straight line segments. polygon A geometric entity is an information content entity that pertains to the structure and topology of a space. geometry+ geometric entity A point is a geometric entity that is located in a zero-dimensional spatial region and whose position is defined by its coordinates in some coordinate system. point An endpoint is a terminal point that is the last of an ordered pair of points. endpoint A start point is a terminal point which is the first of an ordered pair of points. start point A line is curve that extends in a single dimension (e.g. straight line; exhibits no curvature), and is composed of at least two fully connected points. line A line segment is a line and a part of a curve that is (inclusively) bounded by two terminal points. line segment A tick mark is a line segment that is spatially positioned perpendicular to the axis of a statistical graph and indicates the position of a specific numeric value (which may be indicated by an adjacent value label) on a value axis, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value (which may be indicated by an adjacent category label) on the categorical axis. tick mark A major tick mark is a tick mark that indicates the position of a specific numeric value and is adjacent to its value label on the value axis, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value indicated by an adjacent category label on the categorical axis. major tick mark A minor tick mark is a tick mark that indicates the position of a specific numeric value but has no adjacent value label, or is one of a pair of tick marks that delineates the boundary of a categorical value but has no adjacent category label on the categorical axis. minor tick mark A ray is a line which that is bounded by a startpoint and extends outwards infinitely along one dimension. ray A quadrilateral is a polygon with composed of four points and four line segments, in which each point is fully connected to two other points. quadrilateral A rectangle is a quadrilateral in which one pair of line segments are parallel and the other pair are perpendicular to the first pair. rectangle A bar is a rectangle that is located in the plot of a statistical graph in which its length is proportional to the values that it represents. bar A triangle is a polygon composed of three points and three line segments, in which each point is fully connected to another point along through the line segment. triangle A directed line segment is a line segment that is contained by an ordered pair of endpoints (a start point and an endpoint). directed line segment An arrowed line is a directed line segment in which one or both endpoints is tangentially part of a triangle that bisects the line. arrowed line segment A single arrowed line is directed line in which the endpoint is tangentially part of a triangle that bisects the line. single arrowed line segment A double arrowed line is an arrowed line in which both terminal points are tangentially part of different triangles that bisect the line. double arrowed line segment A horizontal line is a line that is positionally oriented with the horizon. horizontal line A vertical line is a line that is positionally oriented perpendicular to the horizon. vertical line A trend line is a line, line segment or ray that is part of a statistical graph which indicates a statistical or visual direction across categorical or value data. trend line An increasing line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is positive. increasing line An decreasing line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is negative. decreasing line An plateau line is a line segment in which the startpoint and endpoint are ordered along one dimension and the difference of values in a second dimension is zero. plateau line A drop line is a statistical graph line that vertically or horizontally connects a data series line with a value axis in a statistical graph. drop line A terminal point is a point that defines the finite extension of a line. terminal point A surface normal is a vector that is perpendicular to a flat surface. surface normal A positionally oriented line is a line that is positioned against some axis of reference. positionally oriented line A statistical graph line is a line used in a statistical graph to communicate some trend or feature of the embedded data. statistical graph line An infinite line is a line that extends outwards in both directions of a single dimensional and is not bounded by terminal points. infinite line A vector line is a line which that is bounded by a startpoint and extends outwards along one dimension. vector line A vertext normal is the normalized average of the surface normals of the faces that contain that vertex. vertex normal polygonal chain, polygonal curve, polygonal path, piecewise linear curve A polyline is a connected sequence of line segments. polyline A collection of points is a geometric entity that contains a non-zero set of geometric points. collection of points A curve is a geometric entity that may be located in n-dimensional spatial region whose extension may be n-dimensional, is composed of at least two fully connected points and does not intersect itself. curve A curve segment is a part of a curve that consists of at least three points. curve segment A stationary point is a point that is part of a curve in which the derivative at that point is zero, and hence its value is at least a local maximum or minimum. stationary point A local maximum stationary point is a point that has a higher value in some axis than adjacent points. local maximum stationary point A local minimum stationary point is a point that has a lower value in some axis than adjacent points. local minimum stationary point A top value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the top of the plot area. top value axis A bottom value axis is a value axis that is spatially positioned to the bottom of the plot area. bottom value axis an arc is a closed segment of a differentiable curve. arc an edge is a line connecting two graph vertices. edge vertex a node or vertex is a point in a graph. node sio-subset-geometry.owl